TRANScend, an initiative by The Humsafar Trust supported under the CSR of TLG India Private Limited, aims to enhance the socio-economic inclusion of transgender people in India. The initiative focuses on enhancing inclusivity and acceptance through research and intervention into the socio-economic and educational needs of the community, skills and capacity building, sensitization of stakeholders, and providing pathways to access services like Aadhaar cards, PAN cards, name and gender changes in gazette details, and bank accounts.
- Conducted baseline research on the socio-economic needs of 518 trans persons through surveys and 17 in-depth interviews by trained community researchers.
- Held two capacity-building workshops, training 63 trans persons, CBO representatives, and Transmen on legal awareness, advocacy, TWB creation, social media, and media interaction.
- Enrolled 163 trans persons in 17 skill-building programs in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore, with sensitization efforts to ensure their inclusion.
- Developed specialized content for transgender inclusion in educational institutes and corporations, resulting in 37 workshops attended by 1,089 people.
- Created 610 social entitlement and identity documents for transgender individuals, including Aadhaar cards, PAN cards, Voter IDs, and more.
- Overcame bureaucratic hurdles in obtaining social entitlement documents and dealt with non-functional Aadhaar centers through advocacy with local politicians and bureaucrats.
- Formed innovative partnerships to address slow progress in skill-building programs, such as with VLCC and the Beauty and Wellness Sector Skills Council.
- Transitioned TRANScend from a project to an initiative involving more CBOs through seed grants and advocacy activities tailored to community needs.
- Made significant progress in engaging corporates for transgender workplace inclusion, building on successful sensitization manuals and modules.
- Introduced roundtable discussions between corporates and the transgender community to address inclusion challenges and share best practices.
- Expanded outreach and sensitization efforts to additional stakeholders and initiated policy advocacy for large-scale policy changes with government stakeholders.
- Conducted 17 capacity-building workshops, attended by 286 transgender and gender non-binary individuals, focusing on various key topics.
- Launched nine innovative initiatives, including COVID-19 impact films, development of IEC materials, FGDs, and advocacy for accessing social security schemes and identity documents.
- Held 24 workshops (eight with employers and sixteen with educational institutes), attended by 729 people.
- Engaged 30 employers in targeted recruitment through policy reviews and sensitizations, leading to job placements for three transgender persons.
- Conducted 15 activities with various stakeholders, attended by 316 people.
- Directly benefited 961 trans persons and indirectly benefited 208 trans persons.
- Conducted capacity-building workshops supporting 261 trans individuals on topics like the Constitution of India, climate change, and social entitlements.
- Engaged with 13 organizations on policy inclusion, sensitized 335 corporate employees, and interacted with 300+ employers, successfully employing 12 trans persons.
- Provided upskilling opportunities to 42 trans persons and career counseling to 24 trans persons.
- Organized 17 virtual consultations on violence against trans persons, attended by 197 individuals, resulting in 42 letters to stakeholders.
- Piloted an initiative supporting 22 transgender entrepreneurs with mentorship and seed funding.
- Conducted six advocacy meetings with various stakeholders, benefiting 53 trans persons.
- Committed to community ownership, facilitating partnerships, and addressing evolving needs through ongoing research and intervention.
- Organized five virtual capacity-building workshops for transgender persons, attended by 153 individuals.
- Provided seed funding to 12 trans-led organizations/support groups across the country.
- Conducted 17 sensitization workshops, shaping policies within 17 organizations and attended by 653 individuals.
- Held a community consultation on forming a coalition for corporate engagement, with 23 CBO representatives participating.
- Conducted 17 advocacy meetings on the transgender identity card process with social welfare departments, involving 173 participants.
- Held six advocacy meetings with nodal bodies and educational institutions, benefiting 53 transgender persons.
- Conducted a community volunteers workshop on crisis management and violence against transgender persons, with 24 community leaders attending.
- Held a policy consultation on marriage, adoption, and inheritance rights of transgender persons, with 23 community leaders participating.
- Drafted a policy on marriage, adoption, and inheritance rights for transgender persons, available for review.
- Supported 11 candidates to enroll in various upskilling courses and continuing education programs.
- Built capacities of 90 trans individuals through five workshops on leadership, compliance, upskilling, psycho-social first aid, and entrepreneurship.
- Collaborated with 10 trans-led organizations to implement seed grant activities in eight states, reaching 441 persons.
- Sensitized 520 individuals across 11 workplaces through 12 sessions on trans community workplace challenges and inclusive practices.
- Held three meetings with the National Coalition for Trans Employment, engaging 20+ trans-CBO representatives.
- Engaged over 400 trans candidates through the SAKSHAM Job Fair and Trans Employment Mela.
- Provided education support to six trans candidates.
- Conducted four sessions with the Police Training Academy and two with lawyers, reaching 341 police personnel and 110 lawyers.
- Held two PRABAL workshops and four inclusion-themed parent meetups, benefiting over 70 rainbow parents.
- Assisted 220 transgender individuals with the Transgender Certificate and ID Card process through campaigns and organizational activities.
- Organized a state-level Regional Crisis Management Volunteers meeting with 33 participants from various cities.
- Engaged 229 medical and administrative professionals in discussions with 26 trans community leaders on trans-inclusive service protocols.
- During Mumbai Pride Month, collaborated with seven trans influencers to create reels, reaching over 30,524 unique users. A virtual Trans Day of Visibility campaign attracted 1,291 users to the TRANScend information webpage.
TRANScend has set the following objectives for the year 2024-25:
- Facilitate capacity building and strengthen leadership skills within trans communities.
- Enhance social acceptance and reduce stigma and discrimination faced by the trans community.
- Strengthen access to social entitlements and legal care for transgender communities, recognizing and protecting their rights.
- Analyze the 10 years of the NALSA Judgement and develop a roadmap to strengthen the trans movement in India.